14th November
Today you will be offered the chance to explore drawing in a
variety of exciting ways. There is nothing that you cannot learn to draw and
Cathy will give you the tools to ensure your success.
This course has actually started people on a path they never would have imagined possible!
I came to this course absolutely terrified of picking up a pencil and discovered, to my amazement, that thanks to Cathy's positive teaching methods and clarity both of explanation and examples, that I could draw!
We were able to experiment with different mediums and see the results as they developed. These weekends cannot be praised enough. This is the beginning of a completely new journey for me. Thank you. H.E.
This course has actually started people on a path they never would have imagined possible!
I came to this course absolutely terrified of picking up a pencil and discovered, to my amazement, that thanks to Cathy's positive teaching methods and clarity both of explanation and examples, that I could draw!
We were able to experiment with different mediums and see the results as they developed. These weekends cannot be praised enough. This is the beginning of a completely new journey for me. Thank you. H.E.
10.00: Meet and
Greet! Cathy will introduce the course (Coffee
will be served)
10.30 - 12.30: Morning session 1) A personal view: What do you want from the course? It is vitally important that you let Cathy know this. These weekends are designed to offer individual paths of development to each one of you. 2) Some experiments with media and marks - loosening up - finding what you like to use.
12.30: Lunch (Bring your own picnic style or enjoy a simple rustic meal for £10*)
1.30 - 4.00: Afternoon session - Plunge in and Draw! You will be offered or you can choose a subject. With help always at hand if needed, you are going to push your drawing onto a new level!
4.00: Round up and discussion of the day's progress (Tea & Coffee will be served)
5.00: End of Workshop.
10.30 - 12.30: Morning session 1) A personal view: What do you want from the course? It is vitally important that you let Cathy know this. These weekends are designed to offer individual paths of development to each one of you. 2) Some experiments with media and marks - loosening up - finding what you like to use.
12.30: Lunch (Bring your own picnic style or enjoy a simple rustic meal for £10*)
1.30 - 4.00: Afternoon session - Plunge in and Draw! You will be offered or you can choose a subject. With help always at hand if needed, you are going to push your drawing onto a new level!
4.00: Round up and discussion of the day's progress (Tea & Coffee will be served)
5.00: End of Workshop.